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Crowne Plaza, White Plains
Thursday ~~ October 13, 2011
The Many Facets of Preparedness
Presented by: Joseph Donovan, Beacon Capital Partners
As recent events in the Northeast reinforce the need for preparedness, BOMA Westchester is pleased to present a unique and informative program on the many facets of preparedness for Property Owners and Managers. This presentation will cover preparedness for the numerous situations owners face from workplace violence, suicide, national disasters such as hurricanes and man-made disasters.
Mr. Donovan oversees and directs the emergency and response programs for Beacon Capital Partners’ 30 million SF portfolio within the United States; London, England; and Paris, France. He currently works with 17 real estate management companies to develop and execute emergency and crisis management programs with the goal to minimize the impact of events and to support the local, regional and national public service groups’ needs to respond to events.
Mr. Donovan strongly believes in the need to create partnerships between property owners/managers and public agencies to maximize the effectiveness of communities’ emergency preparation and response. He has assumed responsibility for the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International’s preparedness committee, is Vice Chair of the Real Estate Roundtable’s Homeland Security Taskforce, and is Co-Chair of the Commercial Facilities Sector Coordinating Council.
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